When to Book Your Trip to the 2016 Summer Games
In just over two years, the world’s elite athletes will meet in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from August 5 to August 21, 2016 to participate in the 2016 Summer Games. You can be a part of it too, rubbing shoulders with tourists from around the world, seeing athletic competition at its ultimate level, and enjoying one of the most exotic locales in the world. But if you truly want a high-end sports travel experience, then you need to book your trip to the Games now, and with a sports travel agency.
Why Book Your Trip for the 2016 Summer Games Now?
Sports travel agency professionals will tell you that the Games in Rio are special for a bunch of different reasons. Some of them are:
- For the first time in the history of the Games the host city is located in South America. North American travellers are expected to descend on Rio in large numbers pushing event ticket sales.
- New sports at the 2016 Summer Games include golf. And golf has avid fans willing to travel the globe to watch their favorite players tee off. They are among the millions of high-end sport travellers who book early.
- Elite sports enthusiasts are after the experience of 35 sports venues for 306 sporting events. Can you imagine taking in triathlon and beach volleyball at the world famous Copacabana Beach? Or watching soccer at the same stadiums as the 2014 World Cup matches? They are booking now.
- Rio is an exotic, romantic, adventure-filled destination all on its own, which will attract more visitors.
Given the unique draw for these Games, tickets and first-class accommodations will be scooped up quickly. Booking now with a sports travel agency will not only ensure that you access the venues and events you want, but that you’ll have the high-end sports travel experience you’ve been imagining. With over a million guests expected to visit Rio during the Summer Games, demand for hotel space is expected to far outstrip supply. And hotels of quality in the right location will be even harder to come by. Booking early is the only way to assure yourself a chance to be a part of this exciting and exclusive event.
Why Book with a Sports Travel Agency?
Attending the 2016 Summer Games requires advanced planning and knowledge of how to obtain tickets, accommodations and travel around the city. Sports travel agencies like Roadtrips can design your custom trip so you will experience only the best that Rio and the Games have to offer.
Sports travel agencies know how much this trip means to you, which is why they create a no-hassle experience.
- Agency professionals will be in Rio before and during the games. If you want to get into another venue, book more tickets, or simply have questions, they will be there to assist you.
- Sports travel agencies provide relaxing hospitality areas for you to go. Enjoy complimentary drinks and mingle while you watch the games on big screen and unwind.
- Concierge service is available throughout the Games to help you plan outings and sightseeing events, or make dinner reservations.
- A sports travel agency can design a package that suits your particular needs, not a one-size-fits all. You can customize your sports travel to coincide with the sporting events that matter most to you.
- Agency professionals are blocking rooms now in top 100 hotels to give you your choice of first-class accommodations.
All combined, a sports travel agency gets you the travel experience you want. From flights and accommodations, to tickets and hospitality, the 2016 Summer Games can be your trip of a lifetime. Simply contact us and start planning.